how to clean a suede couch

How Do You Clean a Suede Couch at Home?

Have you ever wondered how to clean a suede couch in your home? We all know that the heart of any home is the comfortable, magical realm of the couch.

how to clean a suede couch

It’s the spot where birthdays get celebrated, game nights turn legendary, and where chats with relatives become cherished memories.

Your couch is practically a VIP in your household. But to keep your couch in top shape especially if it’s the suave suede kind, you’ve got to master the art of cleaning, and cleaning them might look like a difficult task to you.

But don’t worry, we have listed the breakdown steps on how to clean it with ease and properly, so let’s explore the world of suede couches.

How to Clean a Suede Couch

Suede is a type of leather with a soft, snoozed finish. Suede couches have a soft and modern appearance in the living room.

They are made from the soft side of animal skin or a synthetic material that feels similar to it. When cleaning a suede couch, it’s important to prevent harm and not just deal with existing dirt.

Vera Peterson, the head of a cleaning company called Molly Maid, suggests steering clear of chemicals because they can spoil and harm the color of your suede couch.

Before you start, you will need some required materials for the task which are; a vacuum with soft brush attachment, Microfiber cloth, Suede stain remover, Distilled white vinegar, Water, White rubber eraser, Dry cloth or paper towel, Baking soda, Suede brush and, Blow dryer.

Here are the breakdown steps in detail;

1. Vacuum or Brush

Use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment or a gentle brush to remove loose dirt and debris from the surface of your suede couch.

The President of the Boston-based cleaning company Cleanzen, Steven Ip, equally suggested the usage of a soft brush attachment.

This helps prevent scratching during the cleaning process.

2. Soap Solution

Create a cleaning solution by mixing a mild detergent (like dish soap) or white vinegar with warm water.

It’s important to use a gentle detergent to avoid damaging the suede. Dip a soft cloth or sponge into the soapy water and start scrubbing the couch.

Clean a little bit at a time to make sure you get it clean.

3. Tough Stains

For stubborn stains, switch to a suede brush or a specialized suede cleaner like isopropyl alcohol/ rubbing alcohol then sprinkle some baking soda, and let it sit.

A hygiene expert at PRO Housekeepers, Jennifer Rodriguez suggested suede stain remover that’s made specifically for suede so as not to mess up your couch.

Gently scrub the affected area using a brush or cleaner. Remember to brush in the same direction as the natural nap (the soft, raised fibers) of the suede. This helps preserve the texture of the material.

4. Rinse

Once you’ve given the area a good scrub, make sure to rinse it thoroughly with clean water. This step is important because it helps get rid of any leftover soap.

If you skip this, the soap residue can attract more dirt, and your couch might end up feeling sticky.

So, don’t forget to give it a good rinse to keep things clean and comfortable.

5. Dry

Dry the suede thoroughly using a clean, dry cloth or towel.

Avoid using heat sources or placing the couch in direct sunlight, as this can cause the suede to shrink or become stiff.

Pat the suede gently to absorb excess moisture.

6. Check for Remaining Stains

After your couch is dry, check it for any leftover stains or dirt.

If you notice any areas that still need attention, repeat the cleaning process for those specific spots.

But if you don’t want to repeat the process, then think about getting a professional to clean your couch.

7. Protect with Spray

To safeguard your suede couch against future stains, use a suede protector spray. Just do what the manufacturer says when you’re putting it on.

This protective spray creates a barrier that makes it easier to clean up spills and prevents stains from settling into the suede. Apply the spray evenly and allow it to dry completely before using the couch again.

By following these detailed steps, you can effectively clean and protect your suede couch, ensuring it stays in good condition for a longer period.

How Often Should You Clean Suede Furniture?

how to clean a suede couch

If you have a suede couch, it needs more regular cleaning compared to other types of furniture.

A good practice is to vacuum it at least once a month, especially if you have pets because you might even want to do it weekly.

For deep and professional cleaning, it’s best to give your suede couch a thorough cleanup every six months to maintain its softness and shine.

Now, it’s important to know that suede can often be confused with other materials like velvet, leather, and velour.

Even though they might look similar, they are quite different. To clean your suede couch properly, you first need to be able to tell these materials apart.

Here’s an easy guide to help you with that.

1. Suede vs. Velvet

Velvet is soft and feels nice, just like suede. The cool thing is, that velvet is way more comfortable, and you can chill on any furniture without worrying too much. Suede, on the flip side, is a bit delicate. It doesn’t handle rough treatment well, and any spills show up right away.

If you accidentally spill something on suede, it’s harder to clean compared to velvet. Velvet is tougher because it’s made from different stuff. It’s more durable and easier to clean up if there’s a mess. But, in a real sense, suede looks better overall.

If you’ve got kids or pets making a mess, consider getting a crushed velvet sofa. It’s a bit more kid-and-pet-friendly.

2. Suede vs. Leather

Leather and suede come from different parts of animal skin. Leather is the outer layer, making it higher quality, while suede is the inner layer and tends to be softer but expensive.

Suede is more delicate and can shrink, and it needs a lot of care to keep it clean from dirt and moisture. Leather is tougher, doesn’t shrink, and is easier to clean if you use the right products.

Suede is more likely to tear and get damaged, while leather is strong and resistant to ripping. Leather is also good at insulating and can withstand water and fire better. So, leather is the tough one, while suede is the softer but requires high maintenance.

3. Suede vs. Velour

People sometimes mix up suede and velour, thinking they’re the same, but they’re pretty different. Velour is like a soft, knitted fabric with a fuzzy texture. Both suede and velour feel like velvet, but velour is tougher and lasts longer.

Like suede, though, cleaning velour can be a bit complicated. The good news is, that you can keep it clean by regularly vacuuming and using a mix of baking soda and lemon juice.

So, keeping your suede couch clean is kind of like taking care of an expensive property because you want to do it right to keep it looking good.

Remember, give it a good vacuum at least once a month, maybe even more if you’ve got children or some pets at home, and go for a deep clean every six months to keep it soft and shiny.

Oh, and if there’s a spill, deal with it as soon as possible because suede is a bit sensitive, or you can always get professionals to help you if you think you are not up for the job.

But just be friendly with your vacuum, and your suede couch will stay fresh and look sharp always.

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