How to Clean Washing Machine Top Loader

How Do You Deep Clean a Top Loader Washing Machine?

Knowing how to clean washing machine top loader is like having a secret trick to get rid of that funky smell in your laundry room. Even though washing machines clean our clothes, they can also get a bit gross themselves.

How to Clean Washing Machine Top Loader

But don’t worry, cleaning your washing machine is easy, and you can use materials or equipment you already have at home. 

If you’re not sure how to start cleaning your top-load washer, don’t stress! We’ve got you covered. 

Keep reading, and we’ll tell you everything you need to know to make your washer clean.

How to Clean Washing Machine Top Loader

Cleaning your top-loading washing machine is important to ensure it functions well and your clothes come out clean. Here’s a guide on how to clean a top-loading washing machine:

What You’ll Need:

1. Empty the Washer

Make sure there are no clothes left inside the washing machine. 

Also, check that there’s no leftover detergent or fabric softener in the designated compartments of the machine. 

It’s important to start with an empty drum and clean dispensers.

How to Clean Washing Machine Top Loader
Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

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2. Choose Settings

When you’re getting ready to do your laundry, make sure to use the hottest water setting available. This helps to ensure that your clothes get a thorough and effective clean. 

Also, go for the largest load setting on your washing machine. This means you can wash more clothes at once, saving you time and energy. 

Lastly, select the longest wash cycle available to make sure your clothes go through a comprehensive cleaning process, removing any stains effectively. 

3. Fill the Washer with Water

When you’re ready to start washing, let the washing machine fill up with hot water. This warm water helps to activate the laundry detergent and clean your clothes effectively. 

However, before the machine begins its vigorous cleaning cycle, pause it. 

This ensures that your clothes have some time to soak in the hot water, letting the detergent work its magic and loosen any dirt or grime. 

4. Add Bleach

Add 4 cups of liquid chlorine bleach to the washing machine when it’s time to boost the cleaning power of your laundry. 

This might sound like a small chemistry lesson, but it’s like giving your clothes an extra kick to fight off stains and bacteria. 

The bleach works to break down and remove tough stains, leaving your laundry looking fresher and more vibrant. 

5. Run the Complete Washer Cycle

Once you’ve added the bleach, let the washing machine do its thing by running the full wash cycle, including the longest wash, rinse, and spin cycles available. 

The extended spin cycle helps to remove as much water as possible, making the drying process more efficient. It’s important to wait until all the chlorine bleach is completely washed out during this cycle. 

This step makes sure they come out not only clean but also free from any residual bleach, so they’re ready for the next phase of the laundry process.

6. Clean Dispensers

If your detergent and fabric softener compartments don’t come out, warm up a cup of white vinegar and pour it in. 

Let it sit for 15 minutes to get rid of any buildup. For removable compartments, soak them in hot water and vinegar for 15 minutes. 

After soaking, use a toothbrush to scrub away any leftover gunk. Put the removable compartments back before moving on.

7. Fill Again with Hot Water

After you’ve taken the time to clean the detergent and fabric softener dispensers, it’s time to give your washing machine a fresh start. 

With the cleaned dispensers back in place, fill the washing machine drum again, but this time with hot water. 

Make sure you keep the settings on a large load, allowing you to wash more clothes at once, and select the longest wash cycle available. 

8. Add Vinegar

Now that your washing machine is filled with hot water, it’s time to add a cleaning boost. Just pour 4 cups of white vinegar into the hot water in the washing machine drum. 

White vinegar helps break down any leftover grime, eliminates odors, and keeps your machine in top shape. 

This step ensures that your clothes get the squeaky-clean treatment they deserve. 

How to Clean Washing Machine Top Loader
White Distilled Vinegar

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9. Complete the Wash and Spin Cycle

After adding the vinegar, allow the washing machine to complete the full washing cycle.

It includes washing your clothes, spinning them to remove excess water, and draining away the dirty water. 

This process ensures that your clothes are not only clean but also well-rinsed and ready for the next step. 

10. Clean the Exterior

With the inside of your washing machine all fresh and tidy, it’s time to give the outside a bit of attention. Mix some warm water with a few drops of dishwashing liquid. 

Take a microfiber cloth, dip it in the soapy water, and wipe away any dust, grime, or detergent drips from the top and sides of your washing machine. 

Pay extra attention to the knobs and electronic panels; these areas tend to accumulate a bit of buildup over time.

How Often Should I Clean My Top-Load Washer?

For a regular top-load washing machine with a center agitator post, a thorough cleaning approximately twice a year is recommended.

Also, for a modern top-load washer with a bottom agitator that uses less water, cleaning every three months is advisable.

To prevent blockages, it’s suggested to clean the compartments for detergent and fabric softener on your machine every month.

There are some situations where you might need to clean more often. 

If you live in an area with hard water, it can clog up your washer’s hoses and leave a chalky residue inside, so clean it every three months. 

For hot and humid places where mold can be a problem or if your laundry is often really dirty, it’s a good idea to clean the washer every month.

Keeping your top-loading washing machine clean helps it work better and last longer. 

Just follow the steps already listed to effectively eliminate detergent residue, mineral deposits, and potential mold growth. 

Make this maintenance routine a habit, and you’ll not only extend the life of your top loader but also enhance the overall cleanliness of your laundry.

Remember to consult your washing machine’s manual for specific instructions and any manufacturer recommendations. 

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