how to clean stove burners

Natural Ways to Clean Stove Burners Without Harsh Chemicals

How to clean stove burners at home sometimes can be irritating and annoying. We all know how the stove burners can look unpleasant especially when pasta water boils over or tomato sauce decides to do a little dance on your stovetop. 

how to clean stove burners

It’s like a sticky, stubborn party that never ends. But don’t worry, because getting those burners polished doesn’t have to be a dreaded task.

In fact, we’ve got some wonderful and easy tips to help you with the task. 

So, let’s dive into the world of making your stove burners shine, while also mastering the art of dealing with scratches and stubborn stains.

How to Clean Stove Burners (Quick and Easy)

The materials and tools you need are dish soap, baking soda, water, and dish rag.

Here are the steps to get your stove burner clean;

1. Allow the Burner to Cool Down

Once the burners have fully cooled down, take the following steps to remove them from the stovetop.

Give them a gentle tug, and simultaneously lift them from the connection point. In most cases, they should slide out with ease.

2. Gently Rinse Off Any Residue

To clean the burner coils, grab a cloth, mild dish soap, and water. Gently rinse off any residue, being cautious not to wet the electrical connections or submerge any part of the burners.

It’s essential to keep these areas dry to ensure safe and effective cleaning.

3. Make a Paste from Baking Soda

For stubborn, cooked food residue that doesn’t budge with the soap-and-water mix, try creating a paste by using baking soda and water.

Apply the paste to the tough spot and let it sit for approximately 30 minutes. Afterward, scrub the burner gently and rinse it thoroughly to achieve a sparkling clean result.

4. Allow the Burners to Dry Well

how to clean stove burners

Before attempting to replace the burners, ensure they are completely dry.

Waiting until they are thoroughly dried is crucial to prevent any potential issues and ensure a safe and effective reinstallation.

How to Clean Electric Stove Burners

Modern electric stoves feature burners that are visibly marked circles on the stovetop.

To clean them you will need the following materials, which are baking soda, a sponge, and microfiber cloth.

The steps to clean them are;

1. Verify that the stove is off and that the surface is cold.

2. Using a soft sponge, buff the stovetop using a paste made of baking soda and water.

3. Make sure the paste is completely dry and free of any debris by wiping it away with a microfiber cloth.

How to Clean Coil Electric Stove Burners

how to clean stove burners

If you own an older electric stove featuring raised coils for burners, Cohoon suggests following specific instructions for a thorough cleaning.

The materials you’ll need are a hard-bristle brush, gentle dish soap, and a Sponge.

Cohoon’s cleaning tips for coiled electric burners are;

1. Ensure the burners are turned off and cool.

2. Take off the burners from the stove.

3. Use a sturdy brush to clean off any dry bits, like old food or crumbs.

4. Mix some gentle dish soap with warm water and wipe the burners with a sponge.

5. Scrub away any stains, rinse well, and let the burners air-dry before putting them back on the stove.

How to Remove Stubborn Stains, Scratches, and Debris from Burners

To get rid of stains and scratches on your burners, just follow the steps for cleaning coil electric stove burners, but give extra attention to tough spots.

If you’re unsure, you can purchase a cleaning solution designed for your stove type and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

For stubborn debris, try “baking” the area with a paste of baking soda and water. Apply it, cover the spot with a warm, damp cloth, and let it sit for up to 45 minutes.

Then, wipe it clean and repeat if needed.

To keep your stove burners clean, wipe them after each use. Cohoon suggests a DIY solution of diluted white vinegar on your burners.

Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, then wipe it off. This method helps prevent future buildup because the vinegar stops grease from sticking.

How to Clean Your Stovetop Easily

how to clean stove burners

Now that your burners are clean, you need to tackle the rest of your stovetop. Whether you’re cooking up veggies or making soup, your stovetop can get messy.

The tools you need depend on your stovetop type, just like glass for electricity or raised grates for gas. 

Here’s what you’ll need; baking soda, Warm water, microfiber cloth, vinegar, and a plastic spatula

Before you start cleaning, make sure your stovetop is cool. We recommend doing this in the morning after it has had all night to cool down.

1. If you have a glass stovetop, use a plastic spatula to remove crumbs or debris from the corners. This is safer than using a razor blade that could scratch the surface.

2. Mix baking soda and warm water to make a paste. Apply it to the stovetop, cover it with a damp microfiber cloth, and let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes.

3. For tough stains, add a sprinkle of distilled vinegar to your baking soda mixture. Some people use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers for stubborn burn marks, but be cautious as they can scratch the surface.

4. After letting it sit, remove the baking soda mixture with a dry microfiber cloth and wipe it clean.

Stovetop Cleaning Tips and Tricks

You need to follow some useful tips in order to do your cleaning properly and they are;

1. Consider Your Stovetop’s Materials 

For ceramic stovetops like electric or induction cooktops, treat them with care, says Evans. Avoid using metal pads or rough cleaners.

Instead, use gentle sponges or microfiber cloths to keep them clean.

2. Skip Abrasive Cleaners Entirely

Cleaning your stovetop with the wrong products is a common mistake, warns Justin Carpenter, founder of Modern Maids, a national house cleaning service.

Using the wrong tools, like a rough sponge, can strip paint off the stovetop or lead to discoloration, he advises.

3. Don’t Rule Out Soap and Water

For electric stovetops, Vera Peterson suggests using a mixture of warm water and a bit of dish soap instead of a baking soda paste, as it works well for cleaning.

These simple guidelines will help you know how to clean your stove burners properly. Remember, a clean stove not only looks better, but it also works more efficiently.

Plus, regular cleaning prevents the build-up of grease and grime, making your cooking experience much smoother.

So, take a few minutes to give your stove burners some special treatment, and enjoy a sparkling clean kitchen.

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