How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes

Home Remedies to Eradicate Oil Stains from Your Clothes

Learning how to get oil stains out of clothes is a valuable skill, as oil stains are a common and frustrating occurrence in our daily lives. 

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes

It does not matter if you’re a chef, a mechanic, working in an office, or a parent of a playful kid, a reliable stain remover is the key to turning frustration into success. 

The good news is, with this removal, every day becomes a chance to face the world with confidence and a spotless wardrobe.

Who wouldn’t want their clothes to endure longer? Stay put and grab a cup of coffee if you’re interested in learning how to remove strong stains, also the right stain removal to use.

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes Quickly

Getting rid of oil stains from your clothes using baking soda is easier than you might think. Here’s how to go about it.

1. Preparation

Start by removing any excess oil on the stained fabric. 

You can do this by gently blotting the area with a paper towel or cloth. Be careful not to rub the oil into the fabric, as this can make the stain worse.

2. Baking Soda Application

Once you’ve removed as much of the excess oil as possible, it’s time to apply baking soda. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the stained area. 

Baking soda is effective because it creates an alkaline environment, which helps break down and dissolve the oil. Leave the baking soda on the stain and let it sit for 24 hours. 

3. Baking Soda Removal

After 24 hours, use a vacuum cleaner or a brush to carefully remove the baking soda from the fabric. This should take away the oil that the baking soda has absorbed.

4. Vinegar Solution

To further treat the stain, prepare a solution of vinegar and water. 

You can mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Gently spray the stained area with this solution.

5. Scrubbing

Now, take a brush and some soap (dish soap or laundry detergent should work) and scrub the stained spot. 

Use a circular motion and be gentle to avoid damaging the fabric.

6. Rinsing

After scrubbing, rinse the area thoroughly with clean water. 

You can do this by blotting the fabric with a damp cloth or rinsing it under a gentle stream of water.

7. Assessment and Repeat

Check to see if the stain is completely gone. If it’s still visible, you may need to repeat the process from step 2. 

Sometimes, particularly stubborn stains may require a few attempts to be fully removed.

How Do I Remove Set-In Oil Stains?

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes


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Removing set-in oil stains from clothing can be a bit difficult, but if you follow these steps, you can increase your chances of success with the recommended Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Dish Soap.

1. Start with a Dry Fabric

It’s best to work on the stain when your clothes are dry. 

Don’t rinse it with water first. Water and oil don’t mix well, so if you add water, it can spread the oil around and make things worse. 

2. Protect Other Parts of the Fabric

To prevent the oil stain from spreading to other areas of your clothing, put a piece of cardboard behind the stained area. 

You can use cardboard from an old cereal box or any sturdy cardboard you have at home.

3. Blot the Stain

Get a clean, dry cloth, tissue, paper towel, or even a napkin, and gently blot the stain. 

This helps remove some of the excess oil. Be careful not to rub, as that can make the stain spread.

4. Use Dish Soap

Dish soap can be effective in getting rid of grease. Put a few drops of liquid dish soap on the stain and let it sit for about five minutes. 

You can gently rub it in with your fingers, a soft toothbrush, or a cloth to help it work into the fabric.

5. Rinse and Wash

After letting the dish soap sit for a bit, rinse the stained area with warm water. Then, wash the garment in hot water using your regular laundry detergent. 

If it’s a white item, you can add some bleach, and for colored items, consider using a color-safe laundry booster.

6. Air Dry

It’s a good idea to let the clothing air dry after washing. Grease stains can be hard to see on wet fabric, so air drying allows you to check if the stain is completely gone. 

If there’s still a stain, repeat the dish soap treatment and wash the item again in hot water. Avoid machine drying because high heat can set the stain, making it tougher to remove.

Can I Use Chalk to Remove the Oil Stain?

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes 

Chalk is particularly effective for small, fresh oil stains, such as those caused by cooking splatters. 

Here is how to use chalk to remove small oil stains from your clothes:

1. Preliminary Cleaning

Begin by addressing the immediate issue. If there is any leftover food or visible oil on your clothing, use a clean paper towel to gently blot and lift as much of it as possible. 

Avoid rubbing the stain, as this can make it spread or set deeper into the fabric.

2. Chalk Application 

Chalk can be a helpful tool to absorb and remove small oil stains. Cover the entire stained area with chalk. 

You can do this by rubbing the chalk gently over the stain. Make sure the stain is well-covered with chalk.

3. Absorption Time

Give the chalk some time to do its job. Leave it on the stained area for a few minutes. 

The chalk will absorb the oil from the fabric during this time, similar to how a sponge soaks up liquid.

4. Washing

After the chalk has had a chance to absorb the oil, it’s important to wash the soiled item as soon as possible. 

Can I Remove Grease Stains from Clothes?

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes 

Puracy Stain Remover – Cleaning Spray Clothes Stain Remover for Clothes

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If you have a grease stain on your clothes that survived a wash-and-dry cycle, don’t worry, you can still try to get rid of it. 

The heat from the dryer kind of sets the stain, making it a bit tougher, but you can tackle it with an extra step.

Now, how will remove the stain? Treat the stain again like you did the first time, using your regular stain remover. 

Let that dry, and then use a cleaner with enzymes on it. Puracy Stain Removers are good at breaking down tough stains. 

After that, just throw it in the laundry like you normally would.

How Do You Clean Up Spilled Coconut Oil?

How to Get Oil Stains Out of Clothes

If you’ve got coconut oil on your clothes, here’s how you can clean it up:

1. Wipe off the Excess Oil

Get a towel or paper towel and gently blot the oil. Use dishwashing liquid to help clean it off. Don’t rub too hard; just take your time.

2. Use Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda on the oily spot. If it’s a big stain, leave it for 30 minutes to an hour. If it’s small, 15 minutes is enough. Baking soda helps soak up the oil.

3. Scrape off Baking Soda Clumps

Once the baking soda forms clumps, use something thin like a credit card to gently scrape them off. Make sure you get rid of all the baking soda.

4. Wash in Hot Water

Put the clothes in the washing machine with hot water. This helps to get rid of the coconut oil. Don’t use cold water; hot water works best.

5. Air Dry

Instead of using the dryer, let your clothes air dry. This helps make sure the stain is completely gone.

Dealing with oil stains on our favorite clothes can be tough, but learning how to use things like baking soda, and chalk, or even handling old, set-in stains can help. 

These methods give us practical ways to solve a common problem, and they help keep our favorite clothes looking good for longer. 

So, don’t get too upset when you accidentally spill something oily on your clothes. 

With a bit of knowledge and using everyday things you have at home, you can make sure your clothes stay clean and fresh.

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