best way to clean baseboards

Best Way to Clean Baseboards without Breaking the Bank

Cleaning a baseboard might not sound really exciting, but trust me, there is the best way to clean baseboards without even breaking the bank.

best way to clean baseboards

While baseboards in rooms with less activity can be cleaned once a month, baseboards in heavily trafficked areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and entryway should ideally be dusted once a week.

So don’t worry because we’ve got some easy tips to keep those baseboards in your place looking sharp and clean at all times.

What is the Best Way to Clean Baseboards?

The best way to clean baseboards is to use a vacuum with a brush or a sturdy broom to kick off the dust.

After that, wipe them down with a mix of warm water and a bit of vinegar. Once they’re clean, give them a good dry with a cloth. Just run a dryer sheet over them, and it’ll help keep the dust away.

Now, there are different ways to do this depending on your home and how you like to clean. So, let’s explore a few options.

1. The Magic Eraser Method

best way to clean baseboards

Get yourself some Magic Erasers (or your favorite brand), a bucket of warm, soapy water (or use vinegar and water if you like), and just start wiping.

Squeeze out the sponge nicely before you clean, so you’re not leaving super wet baseboards. If your baseboards aren’t painted, you can use wood cleaner instead.

2. The Dryer Sheet Method

best way to clean baseboards

Pick up a box of fabric softener sheets and a Swiffer, then give your baseboards a swipe.

The dryer sheets help put a dust-repelling coating on your baseboards. 

3. The Cleaning Wipes Method

best way to clean baseboards

Get a pack of cleaning wipes and, well, start wiping. This is great if your place is small or you’re short on time.

Just keep in mind, that using disposable stuff like wipes creates more waste compared to using things you can wash and reuse.

4. The Broom Method

best way to clean baseboards

If your baseboards aren’t super dirty, you can just give them a good dusting. Keep it simple by using the right tools. Grab a small handheld broom, or if you don’t have one, a clean paintbrush

Sweep your baseboards before you vacuum the floors, so you catch any dust or hair that falls. If your vacuum has a small brush attachment, use that to get rid of the dust on your boards. 

5. The Sock Method

best way to clean baseboards

Find an old sock and put a disposable toilet wand inside it.

Spray the sock with your cleaning stuff, whether it’s mild soap, vinegar, water, or wood cleaner, and start wiping. 

6. The Most Thorough Method

best way to clean baseboards

If your baseboards haven’t seen a cleaning session in a while (or ever), this could be a good starting point before trying the simpler methods we talked about earlier.

Just brush off the dust, use a warm washcloth (or a sponge or even a sock) with some soap, and then get into the tricky corners with cotton swabs

7. Make a DIY Dust Cleaner

best way to clean baseboards

Homemade dust cleaners do the same thing as dryer sheets because they put a special anti-dust coating on your baseboards.

You’ve got options here, like mixing one part liquid fabric softener with five parts water. Another choice is to combine 1 tablespoon each of cooking oil and white vinegar with 1 cup of water.

8. Degrease Kitchen Baseboards

best way to clean baseboards

In the kitchen, baseboards might need a bit more attention than in other parts of the house. With all the food splatters, spills, and sticky stuff from cooking in the air, things can get pretty messy.

Try using a degreaser to really get in there and break down all that built-up gunk from cooking. 

9. Deep Clean Corners and Grooves

best way to clean baseboards

Grab some cotton swabs to clean those tight spots on your baseboards, you know, like corners and little grooves where dirt and dust like to hide.

If things are really stuck, you can use canned air or a power duster to blow away the stubborn dust and dirt. 

How Often Should You Clean Baseboards?

If you’re short on time, try to dust your baseboards at least twice a month when you vacuum. Give them a deep cleaning once a year to get rid of any food splatters, scuffs, or stubborn grime.

You can use dryer sheets to wipe down your baseboards. They work because they leave a residue that stops dust from settling.

If your baseboards are painted white and show dirt easily, Clorox Disinfecting Wipes are a good option to get them clean.

Once they’re spick and span, keep them that way by regularly dusting them with a long duster.

For a deeper clean, dip a microfiber cloth or a gentle sponge into soapy water. Wring out the excess water, and then gently scrub the baseboards as you go down the wall.

Just make sure your sponge isn’t too wet to avoid causing damage.

How to Clean Your Fireplace

Keeping your fireplace clean is important to avoid soot and ash creeping into your living area.

While it’s a good idea to get a professional chimney sweep for a thorough cleaning once a year, you can also tidy it up yourself with these easy steps. 

Wait a full day after the last fire before cleaning, so it cools down completely. It can be a bit messy, so wear old clothes and gear up with safety glasses, gloves, and a mask. 

The materials needed to clean your fireplace are; (2) 8×11 dropcloths, firewood basket, fireplace coal hod, fireplace shovel, handheld broom and dustpan set, shop vacuum, and shop vacuum bag.

The rest of them are newspaper, spray bottle, white vinegar, water, indoor/outdoor gloves, nylon scrub brush, mixing bowl, cornstarch, measuring spoons, and microfiber cloth.

1. Clean the Firebox

Spread a big tarp in front of your fireplace. Get rid of any leftover wood and take out the grate. Use a fireplace shovel to scoop out the remaining ashes, then grab a small handheld broom and dustpan to clean up the rest.

Keep a little bucket close for easy disposal. Use a shop vacuum with a bag to clean up any leftover dust.

Now, lay out the newspaper at the bottom of the firebox to catch debris. Spray the walls with a mix of equal parts vinegar and warm water to clean the bricks.

with a brush and let it air dry. If you have flower beds, think about sprinkling the ashes there because they’re good for providing calcium and other nutrients. 

2. Clean Fireplace Doors

Make a cleaning paste by mixing 1/4 cup warm water, 1/4 cup white vinegar, and 1/4 cup cornstarch in a bowl.

a soft cloth into this mixture and rub it on your glass doors. Leave it for about 30 minutes. Then, use newspaper to buff off the dried mixture until your doors shine.

If you don’t have those ingredients, you can try using a damp rag dipped in old ashes.

It might take a bit of effort, but it’s a good way to make your glass doors clear again. 

3. Clean Fireplace Tools and Accessories

Remove the screen from your fireplace. Lay a big tarp down that’s large enough for the screen, grate, and fireplace tools.

Spray everything with a mix of equal parts white vinegar and warm water. Scrub away the soot using a nylon brush.

If there are tough spots, give steel wool a try. Make sure to clean both sides of the screen.

It’s a good idea to clean the tools and accessories outside to avoid making a mess indoors. 

4. Chimney Cleaning

When you’re getting your chimney cleaned, find a certified chimney sweep who knows their stuff, has insurance, and is safety-conscious.

The Chimney Safety Institute recommends cleaning when the creosote (that tar-like stuff from burning wood) on the walls is 1/8 inch or thicker.

It’s best to schedule this at the end of the season to avoid damage to the fireplace and prevent strong odors.

During the cleaning, the chimney sweep will protect your floor, use a vacuum system, and have various tools handy.

They’ll also check for any big issues like cracks, loose bricks, or problems with the damper, chimney cap, and overall structure. 

Keeping your baseboards looking clean is simple. Whether you want to use dryer sheets, the simplicity of cleaning wipes, or homemade dust cleaners, we’ve got you covered.

Remember, giving those baseboards a little love regularly not only keeps them looking good but also helps keep your space clean and fresh.

So, pick your favorite method, grab your cleaning gear, and let’s make those baseboards shine again.

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