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Does FedEx Delivery Manager Work Without a Tracking Number?

Does FedEx delivery manager work without a Tracking Number? You’re probably asking this question. Have you ever eagerly awaited a package, only to find yourself refreshing the tracking page incessantly, hoping for an update? We’ve all been there, and it can be quite frustrating. 

Does Fedex Delivery Manager Work Without a Tracking Number?

FedEx Delivery Manager is a feature-rich online tool offered by FedEx that allows customers to customize their deliveries according to their preferences.

It provides a range of services such as tracking shipments, scheduling deliveries, requesting a hold, redirecting packages, and even signing for packages remotely.

This tool aims to simplify the delivery process, making it more convenient and efficient for recipients.

Does FedEx Delivery Manager Work Without a Tracking Number?

No, FedEx Delivery Manager does not work without a tracking number. The tool relies on a valid tracking number to provide its features and functionalities. 

The tracking number serves as a unique identifier for each package, allowing the system to track shipments, customize delivery options, and provide accurate notifications. 

Without a tracking number, the system cannot identify the specific package associated with the customer’s account, limiting its functionality.

 It is important to have a valid tracking number to fully use the benefits of FedEx Delivery Manager.

FedEx Delivery Manager and Tracking Numbers

While FedEx Delivery Manager offers an array of features to enhance your delivery experience, it heavily relies on the availability of a tracking number.

Without a tracking number, the tool’s capabilities are significantly limited. Here’s why:

1. Tracking Shipments

The primary function of the FedEx Delivery Manager is to provide real-time updates on the whereabouts of your package.

However, without a tracking number, the system cannot identify the specific shipment associated with your account, resulting in the inability to track it accurately.

2. Delivery Options

One of the key benefits of FedEx Delivery Manager is the ability to customize your delivery preferences. 

This includes options such as scheduling deliveries, holding packages at a FedEx location, or redirecting shipments to an alternate address. 

Without a tracking number, the system cannot identify the specific package you wish to change, rendering these options inaccessible.

3. Notifications

FedEx Delivery Manager allows you to receive notifications regarding your package’s status, such as delivery confirmation or delays. 

However, without a tracking number, the system cannot generate accurate updates tailored to your specific shipment.

In conclusion, while FedEx Delivery Manager is a powerful tool designed to enhance your delivery experience, it requires a tracking number to operate effectively. 

The tracking number acts as the key that unlocks the system’s full range of features and functionalities, allowing you to track shipments, customize delivery options, and receive accurate notifications.

If you do not have a tracking number for your FedEx package, don’t despair! There are still other ways to get updates on your shipment.

Reach out to the sender or the shipper and inquire about the tracking number.

Alternatively, if you are the recipient and have an account with FedEx, you may retrieve the tracking number from the shipping history section of your account.

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